Clone of About Chartbook


The Medicare Hospital Quality Chartbook was conceived by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as a way to evaluate and provide a comprehensive overview of the national results for the hospital mortality, complications, readmission, payment, and excess days in acute care (EDAC) measures. 

The Medicare Hospital Quality Chartbook was initially published as an annual report on measure performance in 2010 and has evolved into its current interactive format to better engage stakeholders through data visualizations. These visualizations monitor patterns and changes in the measures' results, allowing CMS and the public to better understand the current state of the measures and to focus quality improvement efforts where necessary.

The Chartbook Team is dedicated to applying scientific methods and developing scientific approaches to address the clinical and healthcare policy challenges that face our country and the global community. Our team includes a talented, multidisciplinary group of researchers, analysts, and clinicians who are committed to developing solutions to the practical needs of medicine and healthcare.